
Sphalaphala Beauty Salon

I own Purpul hair Products which manufactures natural hair products. We use Castor oil as our main ingredient on all of our products. Our products assist with hair growth and helps maintain healthy hair. These products are sulfate free. We deliver throughout SA.

The oil – is good for ladies who suffer from hairline issues and want to promote growth. Can be used by natural ( including dreads) and relaxed hair.

The Shea butter- can be used to restore moisture on the actual hair. Can be used on kids.

We also have shampoo, conditioner and Leave In conditioner.

You can check out my website and please check out our social media pages @purpulhair on Twitter and Instagram to see more feedback from our clients.

You can also find our products at Plush Luxury Concept Store & Sphalaphala Beauty Salon

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