We are now the RB Paving Company .We are now a web based company that specializes in the manufacturing, transporting and selling of brand new SABS approved 60mm grey interlocker paving bricks. Our website with full details will be launched mid October 2019 where you the client can order, track and pay for your paving bricks. We are currently taking pre-orders via social media. (Gauteng only) Please call or whats app
067-0618-356 or email andilecawe05@gmail.com
How it works :
1.Bricks: You can only order from 1500 bricks or more
2.Transport: We charge you only R2.10 per brick delivered (we dont charge per kilometer to save you money – everyone pays the same)
3. You save on average R450 per every 1500 bricks you buy from us compared to our competitors
4. We do all deliveries and all deliveries are done within 5 working days after receiving payments
5. No cash payments allowed for your safety and ours, all transactions are deposited into the company account via eft, no payment no bricks.