
Jamaican Black Castor oil

Unique Jamaican Black Castor oil and Hempseed oil is the solution For Your hair today. Whatsapp 0620289035 or 0767750617. Suitable for all hair types, Caucasian, relaxed, braided, dreaded or natural hair. can be used by women, men and children.
Do you have weak hair That does not grow?
Is your hairline gone?
Is your scalp flaky?
Are your dreadloks weak and not strong?
Do you want thicker hair growth?
Do you have Early Balding?
Do you want to Grow your Hair Natural?
Do you want to Grow your Beard healthy?
It is suitable for all hairtypes , and can be used for babies, adults and men can use it.
If you answer yes to one of the question I can help restore your hair dignity?
Hot Oil Hair treatment which is use concurrently with Jamaican Oil.
Also available is ROSEHIP OIL for SCARS, strechmarks, blackspot, blemishes.
African Black Soap can be used as a shampoo for opening your hair follicles, it Deep cleanses the SKIN and the Hair, Good for people with Acne, Oilyskin, Blackheads, ECZEMA, Blackspot
SHEABUTTER good for Hair, SKIN, Strechmarks, Eczema

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