
Acupuncture is a holistic health technique that stems from Traditional Chinese Medicine practices in which trained practitioners stimulate specific points on the body by inserting thin needles into the skin.

Today acupuncture is one of the most popular practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the West. TCM is a complimentary health approach that first originated in ancient China more than 2,500 years ago and has been evolving ever since.

Because the goal of acupuncture is to promote and restore the balance of energy which flows throughout the body, the benefits of acupuncture can extend to a wide variety of conditions, from emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression, to digestive complaints such as nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel syndrome.

To treat a wide variety of diseases, pain and stress-related symptoms, as practitioners of TCM, we use holistic techniques that include acupuncture and various massage therapies.

The first question most people ask is, “Does acupuncture hurt?”

Surprisingly, although needles are used in acupuncture, treatments are relatively pain-free. In fact, one of the most popular uses of acupuncture is to reduce chronic pain throughout the body in a natural way, without the need for medications that can cause unwanted side effects.

What to expect during an acupuncture session with Abundance Natural Health:

We take your pulse to check the state of your organs (lungs, liver, spleen, heart and kidneys). We then treat the organs that require attention, before treating the symptoms. Organs are responsible for our well-being and healing or feeling unwell, which is why it’s important to treat your organs first. For instance, people mistake joint pain for arthritis, but from organ reading (pulse taking), we can confirm or identify actual cause of disease, mostly spleen energy, which impacts on muscles.

We are able to treat conditions such as:

– Insomnia
– Migraines
– Back pain
– Joint pain / Arthritis
– Stiff neck
– Muscle spasms
– Anxiety / Panic attacks
– Depression / Grief
– Breathing difficulty
– Sinus
– Stroke
– Renal failure
– Edema / Fluid retention
– Stomach cramps
– Constipation

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